November 1, 2010

Joyeux Halloween!

Halloween has not quite caught on in France. They tried to bring Halloween to this lovely country a few years back, but the French didn’t really like it. How little children don’t like going door-to-door and getting free candy is beyond me, but then again, I’m not French.

Despite the fact that practically nobody celebrates Halloween in France, I was determined to be American and celebrate it anyway. I packed my spider web earrings and spider web tights. Even if it wasn’t much, I could at least be in theme.

My Halloween earings.

For a while, it seemed that France was willing to accept me in my Americanness and help me along with my Halloween celebrations. When talking about Halloween with FBF’s mom, she told me that normally kids stop at the house and demand candy. Then, one of my French friends decided to throw a Halloween party. While it was a Halloween party that required the partygoers to dress up in scary costumes, I was still going to have an opportunity to wear my Halloween themed articles of clothing!

But it turns out that France had other plans for me. Not a single costumed or otherwise child stopped by the house yesterday. We handed out zero pieces of candy.

And as for the party, I have bronchitis. I spent Halloween in bed.

You win again, France! You win again.


  1. France is tuff but you are tuffer. You can beat them just a question of time.

  2. How cool the picture of me is in jedi custome.

  3. Shimmin: I know! Totally unfair.

    Dad: Your picture is super awesome! And thank you for the encouragement. I finished my antibiotics today so I am technically all better.


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