January 12, 2012

Lannion: Prémières Impressions

My first impressions of Lannion:

Lannion seems to fit the bill for a perfect mediaeval French village as half-timbered jetting houses are in abundance.

The city is on a hill with meandering roads where lots of adorable modern shops occupy old time buildings, making you feel as if you've stepped back in time.

On top of that, there is a lovely tree surrounded park, complete with old stairs that go to nowhere, celtic crosses, and an old out of use church building. I wouldn't have been surprised to discover a fairy circle there.

The city is small and do-able in a day, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in charm.


  1. Looks like a very quaint and charming city. One could spend the day meandering the streets, drinking coffee and watching people.

  2. ughh, those Comptoir Irlandais are everywhere!


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